3 Biggest Myths About Estate Planning

3 Biggest Myths About Estate Planning

It is not fun to focus on death and illness or what will happen if the unexpected happens to you. Most of us avoid these types of discussions like a plague and try not to think about the future except in terms of goals and resolutions. But if you take a hot second and...
What is Long Term Care?

What is Long Term Care?

When you reach a certain age, you may start to wonder what the future holds for your health. As a young person, it is easy to put aside thoughts about your mind or body failing, but eventually, you begin to see the reality of aging and recognize some simple truths....
What is An Estate?

What is An Estate?

According to the Oxford dictionary, the first definition of estate is “an extensive area of land in the country, usually with a large house, owned by one person, family, or organization.” Because of this definition, we think of “estate planning” as something that only...
Protect Your Money from Nursing Homes

Protect Your Money from Nursing Homes

Does your future include living in a nursing home or needing long-term care? As we get older, we wonder what lies ahead. According to LongTermCare.gov, “Someone turning age 65 today has almost a 70% chance of needing some type of long-term care services for a chronic...
Trust Funds for Grandchildren

Trust Funds for Grandchildren

An old proverb says that “Wealth gained hastily will dwindle, but whoever gathers little by little will increase it.”  Often, the money we work for has more value than the money we are given as a windfall. Work ethic and continuing education are often the fuel for...