Why Would I Need a Living Trust?

Why Would I Need a Living Trust?

If you want to make a plan for the future, you may think about a living trust. Also called a revocable trust, this type of legal framework can offer solutions to your estate planning dilemmas. A last will and testament cannot begin to touch what a living trust can do...
How Long Does Probate Take?

How Long Does Probate Take?

You may not realize that after you die, a court of law must settle your estate. Before a single penny goes to your heirs, the administrator of your estate must inventory, assess value, and consider your debts. During the long process of your estate settlement, your...
Estate Planning Checklist

Estate Planning Checklist

When we think about estate planning, most of us think that we have time to take care of that later. The problem with putting estate planning off is that oftentimes we just never get around to it. Estate planning is never crossed off our to-do list because we don’t...
Can a Doctor Declare Someone Incompetent?

Can a Doctor Declare Someone Incompetent?

According to Social Security, the number of Americans 65 and older will increase from approximately 56 million today to over 78 million by the year 2035. If you are in this group facing your senior years, it is crucial to have a plan for unexpected situations such as...