What Is a Successor Trustee?

What Is a Successor Trustee?

When you draw up a trust to protect your assets, you also protect your heirs’ future. You may act as a trustee of your own revocable trust. However, your successor trustee will handle the trust after you die. It’s crucial to name a qualified successor trustee since...
Who Owns the Property in a Trust?

Who Owns the Property in a Trust?

Trusts are a popular legal tool that can significantly help you and your family. A Living Trust keeps your family out of probate court, your estate private, and can help manage money for heirs that can’t handle a lump sum inheritance. An irrevocable trust can do even...
Who is the Settlor of a Trust?

Who is the Settlor of a Trust?

Individuals meet with their attorneys to draw up a trust for many reasons. Perhaps you are trying to avoid probate court for your estate or using a trust to shield assets from taxes. Whatever your reason, a trust is a legal framework that holds and protects your...